Social Impact Assessment and Labour Issues on International Projects

11th May 2015

From April 2015, British companies working on overseas development projects will be required to go the extra mile. The Modern Slavery Act became a UK law in 2015, and this explicitly requires large British companies to prepare and publish, a slavery and human trafficking statement related to their operations, for each financial year. Large British companies will be required to carry out due diligence audits in relation to slavery and human trafficking not only in their main business operations but also in their supply chains, which for some British companies will extend to many overseas supply chains.

This webinar focused on best practice in labour working conditions and best international practice on labour issues in relation to international projects as well as practical tips on how to bridge the gap between national and international labour standards requirements to achieve legal compliance. This webinar recording will be of interest to practitioners working for British international consultants, entrepreneurs and development companies working and operating within the global arena.


Social Compliance and Labour Issues on International Projects- Click Here

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