
Event Type

Partner Event

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North England
Central UK
South England
World Groups
30th July 2024

Suitable to all organisations looking to gain net zero advice and inspiration, join this webinar to hear presentations from a selection of leading Pledge To Net Zero participants, sharing insights into how they have reduced their emissions, overcoming challenges along the way.

2nd August 2024 [Member Only]

Join our East of England event!

Book your place on this visit to Felixstowe Hydrocycle project to hear firsthand about an innovative water management approach from the scheme operators. An introductory video can be viewed here. We will also hear from the Environment Agency about aspects of water quality sampling and emerging trends, with a practical demonstration. Book your place today!

9th August 2024

Join IEMA Europe for a virtual event every second Friday of the month. In a relaxed and open atmosphere, we will cover interesting topics and offer opportunity for IEMA Europe members to connect, exchange ideas and engage. Book your place today!

13th August 2024 [Member Only]

Hosted by IEMA Yorkshire & Humberside, join us for our next in-person event in Leeds!

The University of Leeds is committed to embedding sustainability in everything they do. To them, sustainability means creating value for society by taking responsibility for their economic, cultural, social and environmental impacts. By drawing on the diverse expertise of their students, staff and partners they collaborate in finding sustainable solutions to global challenges, and to maintain their position as leaders in sustainability. As part of the visit, we will be shown a number of the key initiatives. Book your place today!

14th August 2024 [Member Only]

Why not join our online, interactive workshop enabling you to explore the Full Membership & CEnv competencies and understand how to plan for and write your application. Delivered by an experienced IEMA Full Member & CEnv assessor and lasting 2 ½ hours, this workshop will give you the confidence you need to craft a high quality application and kick start your journey to Full Membership & Chartered Environmentalist giving you renewed momentum to achieve your goal.

Attendee numbers will be limited to 10 per session ensuring ample opportunity to dig into the specifics of the standard and the process that you need the most. These workshops are interactive so be prepared to ask questions and give your opinions. The session works best for those who have made a start on their applications.

20th August 2024 [Member Only]

Reserve your spot for this in-person event at the Natural History Museum's UNP Gardens in London. The meet-and-greet will commence at 3:30 PM, followed by a walking tour. Afterward, enjoy social drinks as we walk to a nearby pub or café.

21st August 2024 [Member Only]

Join us for the second of three member-only update webinars on the Future Purpose of IEMA project. Over the past 25 years, the sustainability profession has evolved from the periphery to the forefront of the global economy. This project aims to review our brand and strategic direction to provide the organisation with a clarity of purpose.

This webinar will delve into the current status of the project and how it aims to redefine IEMA's brand and strategic direction to better serve our members and the profession. It is vital that the Future Purpose of IEMA project involves an open, inclusive and consultative approach with our our members at the heart of the process.

29th August 2024 [Member Only]

New to IEMA? Join our member meet and greet!

Taking place once a month we will be hosting a series of virtual sessions for new-members. This will be a chance for members who have recently joined, from all membership grades, to meet with IEMA and your fellow peers in a friendly, informative session to learn and network.

Hosted by IEMA's senior leadership team, this will be a chance to learn, chat and discuss:

• The history of IEMA and the importance of the environment/sustainability professional

• What we do and how we can support you

• The benefits and resources available and how you can engage with the IEMA community

29th August 2024

Don't miss our next West of Scotland event in Glasgow!

Discover the future with an exclusive Walking Tour of the Glasgow University Redevelopment. The expansion of the campus will support the University’s growth and will create a world-class environment for world-changing education and research. Over a 20-year horizon it will create a vibrant new urban quarter in Glasgow’s West End which will offer new public spaces and facilities for the local community. Recently, the project won the prestigious 'Place in Progress' Pineapple Awards. Join us for a memorable experience, book now!

2nd September 2024 [Member Only]

Our IEMA East of England In-Person Social is an opportunity to meet up with fellow environment and sustainability professionals for a relaxed evening of networking. Pull up a chair, grab a drink, and enjoy a relaxed conversation at the Old Cannon Brewery in Bury St Edmonds. Book your place today!

3rd September 2024

Environmental net gain remains a relatively groundbreaking concept. Introduced more widely through the 25 Year Environment Plan, environmental net gain is an approach to development that leaves both biodiversity and the environment in a measurably better state than prior to development. It is measured by biodiversity measures, ecosystem services and environmental metrics.

The design of habitat enhancement and creation to deliver Biodiversity Net Gain can, with thought, also deliver enhanced natural capital value, benefiting people directly in other ways, including delivering climate mitigation and adaptation solutions.

ENG can be taken into account at individual development level, local planning authority, catchment and landscape levels

This insights webinar aims to provide an introduction to ENG, exploring what it is and how it differs from Biodiversity Net Gain and Natural Capital. It will also delve into how it has been applied in policy and practice, and the challenges with applying it.

This will be followed by a panel discussion and questions.

Speakers in the webinar:

  • Andrew Thomson, Senior Advisor, Natural England
  • Sophus zu Ermgassen, Ecological Economist, Oxford University
  • Penny Borton, Senior Associate Director (Natural Capital), Jacobs
  • Chris Plester, Net Gain Technical Lead, National Grid
5th September 2024

Join IEMA India for our next online event!

This event aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of innovative and sustainable practices for managing water resources in industrial settings, designed to benefit students, consultants, and industry leaders who are keen on enhancing their knowledge and implementing effective water management strategies. Click to book!

Event time: 10:00 -14:00 IST / 05:30 - 09.30 BST

5th September 2024

After the success of the first IEMA London & SE x People Planet Pint event, we are back for our second collaborative social aboard the Tamesis Dock in London! Let's hope that the sun is out on the decks!

People Planet Pint is a space where everyone can feel comfortable learning about sustainability and sharing their ideas. No agenda, workshops or webinars. Just chat over some drinks with others and learn more about sustainability in all its forms.

Come along if you have an interest in sustainability or climate and meet with other like minded individuals.

11th September 2024 [Member Only]

Why not join our online, interactive workshop enabling you to explore the Full Membership & CEnv competencies and understand how to plan for and write your application. Delivered by an experienced IEMA Full Member & CEnv assessor and lasting 2 ½ hours, this workshop will give you the confidence you need to craft a high quality application and kick start your journey to Full Membership & Chartered Environmentalist giving you renewed momentum to achieve your goal.

Attendee numbers will be limited to 10 per session ensuring ample opportunity to dig into the specifics of the standard and the process that you need the most. These workshops are interactive so be prepared to ask questions and give your opinions. The session works best for those who have made a start on their applications.

12th September 2024

We all know that there is a green skills gap; we don’t currently have the knowledge or experience to reach our net zero and biodiversity goals. We need to focus on ensuring that new talent entering the workforce has the relevant skills, but also look at how we can ensure that the existing workforce are prepared for the future. This session will provide insights into the skills gap, look at which sectors this is more prevalent in, and provide some context in how we can upskill and train individuals to get to where we need to be.

We’ll look at the different opportunities in upskilling, and hear from Generation UK, a provider of green Skills Bootcamps in England. We’ll also hear from career changer Daniel, who will talk about his experiences of an IEMA training course, how that shaped his thinking for a future career move, and tips for working through a transition.

So if you’re thinking about your role in the green economy and interested in how to refine your skills, sign up to this webinar today!

12th September 2024

Join our East Scotland team in Edinburgh for our next in-person event!

This is the first Networking Event of the year! Connect with fellow IEMA members and welcome new members at this exciting social gathering. Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your network!

13th September 2024

Join IEMA Europe for a virtual event every second Friday of the month. In a relaxed and open atmosphere, we will cover interesting topics and offer opportunity for IEMA Europe members to connect, exchange ideas and engage. Book your place today!

18th September 2024

This webinar provides an update on the development and implementation of Marine Net Gain. We will hear from speakers who are leading the development of policy in this area, as well as how it is being applied locally on the coast. We will also hear from developers on how they are planning ahead to ensure compliance with the regime once it is implemented.

In June 2022, Defra consulted on the Principles of Marine Net Gain. It was stated as part of the Defra consultation, that Marine Net Gain will operate alongside existing planning policy and practice to ensure that current environmental standards, including the conservation objectives for habitats, species and designated sites, are maintained and implemented.

In December 2022, a national environmental target was published. This requires 70% of the designated features in the Marine Protected Areas network to be in favourable condition by 2042, with the remainder in recovering condition, and additional reporting on changes in individual feature condition.

In December 2023, Defra provided a response to the consultation which included a summary of the responses provided across the different topic areas, as well suggested strategic and site-based interventions.

This webinar is aimed at IEMA members who are working on policy and developments in the marine environment, as well as on the coastal fringes with its overlapping consenting regimes.

This webinar will provide:

- an update on the current marine net gain policy development

- case studies of implementing marine net gain

- insight into the opportunities for future compliance

- the delivery of greater environmental outcomes in marine net gain

Speakers include:

- Lee Gunton – Senior Policy Advisor Marine Net Gain, Defra

- Abigail Crosby – Senior Marine Officer, Cornwall Council

- Samir Whitaker – Biodiversity Lead Specialist, Orsted

- Mark Herbert - Consents and Environment Specialist, Associated British Ports

24th September 2024

Join IEMA East of England for an engaging and insightful online event centered on the article "Net Zero Essentials: Hacks to Help Small Businesses Succeed" featured in Green Careers Hub. Gain valuable insights from one of the authors, Sharon Livingstone, who will provide practical tips and strategies to support small organizations on their net zero journeys. The event will conclude with an interactive Q&A session. Register now to secure your spot!

25th September 2024 [Member Only]

Join us for the last of three member-only update webinars on the Future Purpose of IEMA project. Over the past 25 years, the sustainability profession has evolved from the periphery to the forefront of the global economy. This project aims to review our brand and strategic direction to provide the organisation with a clarity of purpose.

This webinar will delve into the current status of the project and how it aims to redefine IEMA's brand and strategic direction to better serve our members and the profession. It is vital that the Future Purpose of IEMA project involves an open, inclusive and consultative approach with our our members at the heart of the process.

2nd October 2024 [Member Only]

Join us live at a venue in London and be part of the solution to close the gap between sustainability ambition and action.

Building on last year’s successful networking events across the UK, we have planned a roadshow to inspire, inform and, most of all, connect specialist and generalist sustainability professionals, sustainability enthusiasts, and corporate partners. The aim of these in-person events is to share knowledge and build lasting relationships that deliver progressive action to transform the world to sustainability.

To book your place, you can just click the link to register for Connect 2024, then you can look at the agenda and book the sessions you are interested in.

3rd October 2024 [Member Only]

Join us live at a venue in Cambridge and be part of the solution to close the gap between sustainability ambition and action.

Building on last year’s successful networking events across the UK, we have planned a roadshow to inspire, inform and, most of all, connect specialist and generalist sustainability professionals, sustainability enthusiasts, and corporate partners. The aim of these in-person events is to share knowledge and build lasting relationships that deliver progressive action to transform the world to sustainability.

To book your place, you can just click the link to register for Connect 2024, then you can look at the agenda and book the sessions you are interested in.

10th October 2024 [Member Only]

Join us live at a venue in Manchester and be part of the solution to close the gap between sustainability ambition and action.

Building on last year’s successful networking events across the UK, we have planned a roadshow to inspire, inform and, most of all, connect specialist and generalist sustainability professionals, sustainability enthusiasts, and corporate partners. The aim of these in-person events is to share knowledge and build lasting relationships that deliver progressive action to transform the world to sustainability.

To book your place, you can just click the link to register for Connect 2024, then you can look at the agenda and book the sessions you are interested in.

15th October 2024 [Member Only]

Be part of the solution at our free, award-winning event, IEMA Connect.

IEMA Connect 24 will focus on the key theme of closing the gap between ambition and action. This digital event presents a unique opportunity for new and experienced sustainability professionals and corporate partners to come together. Over two days, we'll explore strategies to bridge the divide between ambition and action, sharing invaluable insights and forging connections that transcend sectors and geographies.

It’s free for IEMA members and all content is delivered via our online platform. Don't miss your chance to be part of the solution. Join us at IEMA Connect and be a catalyst for change in the global sustainability landscape!

17th October 2024 [Member Only]

Join us live at a venue in Glasgow and be part of the solution to close the gap between sustainability ambition and action.

Building on last year’s successful networking events across the UK, we have planned a roadshow to inspire, inform and, most of all, connect specialist and generalist sustainability professionals, sustainability enthusiasts, and corporate partners. The aim of these in-person events is to share knowledge and build lasting relationships that deliver progressive action to transform the world to sustainability.

To book your place, you can just click the link to register for Connect 2024, then you can look at the agenda and book the sessions you are interested in.

23rd October 2024 [Member Only]

Join us live at a venue in Cardiff and be part of the solution to close the gap between sustainability ambition and action.

Building on last year’s successful networking events across the UK, we have planned a roadshow to inspire, inform and, most of all, connect specialist and generalist sustainability professionals, sustainability enthusiasts, and corporate partners. The aim of these in-person events is to share knowledge and build lasting relationships that deliver progressive action to transform the world to sustainability.

To book your place, you can just click the link to register for Connect 2024, then you can look at the agenda and book the sessions you are interested in.

24th October 2024 [Member Only]

Join us live at a venue in Bristol and be part of the solution to close the gap between sustainability ambition and action.

Building on last year’s successful networking events across the UK, we have planned a roadshow to inspire, inform and, most of all, connect specialist and generalist sustainability professionals, sustainability enthusiasts, and corporate partners. The aim of these in-person events is to share knowledge and build lasting relationships that deliver progressive action to transform the world to sustainability.

To book your place, you can just click the link to register for Connect 2024, then you can look at the agenda and book the sessions you are interested in

20th November 2024 [Member Only]

Why not join our online, interactive workshop enabling you to explore the Full Membership & CEnv competencies and understand how to plan for and write your application. Delivered by an experienced IEMA Full Member & CEnv assessor and lasting 2 ½ hours, this workshop will give you the confidence you need to craft a high quality application and kick start your journey to Full Membership & Chartered Environmentalist giving you renewed momentum to achieve your goal.

Attendee numbers will be limited to 10 per session ensuring ample opportunity to dig into the specifics of the standard and the process that you need the most. These workshops are interactive so be prepared to ask questions and give your opinions. The session works best for those who have made a start on their applications.

18th December 2024 [Member Only]

Why not join our online, interactive workshop enabling you to explore the Full Membership & CEnv competencies and understand how to plan for and write your application. Delivered by an experienced IEMA Full Member & CEnv assessor and lasting 2 ½ hours, this workshop will give you the confidence you need to craft a high quality application and kick start your journey to Full Membership & Chartered Environmentalist giving you renewed momentum to achieve your goal.

Attendee numbers will be limited to 10 per session ensuring ample opportunity to dig into the specifics of the standard and the process that you need the most. These workshops are interactive so be prepared to ask questions and give your opinions. The session works best for those who have made a start on their applications.