Construction phase mitigation and the role of an Environmental Clerk of Works

17th May 2020

In collaboration with the Association of Environmental Clerk of Works, IEMA are looking to shine a light on construction phase environmental performance and the implementation of mitigation outlined in supporting information. We will also review the monitoring process and how consistent role specifications can improve the sector.

The Association of Environmental Clerk of Works, in partnership with IEMA invite construction phase environmental professionals of all disciplines to discuss the challenges of implementing construction phase mitigation outlined in supporting information.

During the webinar we explored the following questions:

1) Is the mitigation outlined in supporting information deployed during the construction phase?

2) Who is designing and or implementing the mitigation?

3) How do we know projects are not having a significant impact on the receiving environment?

Through this process we looked to identify current practice, good or bad, and how consistency in role specification can achieve improved construction phase environmental performance.


Construction phase mitigation and the role of an Environmental Clerk of Works - R, Howard, IEMA and S, Knott, Naturally Compliant Ltd - CLICK HERE

Launch of Principles of Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment in the UK

This webinar launched the first edition of ‘Principles for Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment’, prepared jointly by IEMA, CIfA and IHBC.

26th July 2021

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This webinar was aimed at helping professionals (re)define principles and develop a framework for assessment, especially for those wanting a holistic approach to impact assessment in line with international standards.

15th July 2021

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Scotland’s EIA Conference 2021 closed the unique online event with the opportunity to refresh knowledge of key EIA case law and understand different professional perspectives on what this may mean for practice.

14th May 2021

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This third session of the online Scotland’s EIA Conference programme turned its attention to the rapid progress being made in the expanded use of digital approaches to improve the effectiveness and outcomes of the EIA process.

13th May 2021

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Scotland’s EIA Conference is a partnership event designed and coordinated between: Fothergill Training & Consulting, the Scottish Government, HES, NatureScot and SEPA with the aim of furthering the enhance of EIA practice across Scotland. This opening session of the conference focused on opportunities to advance EIA practice.

11th May 2021

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The second day of online delivery of Scotland’s EIA Conference saw three experienced presenters discuss their views on EIA’s progress in different aspects of climate change and nature enhancement goals.

11th May 2021

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This Impact Assessment Network webinar, on the interaction of Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) heard from practitioners from both specialisms on the differences and similarities between these impact assessment regimes and how greater coordination can be achieved with case studies.

15th April 2021

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