Join this event that focuses on the Government’s recently announced consultation on the UK waste electrical regulations (WEEE regulations). This event is a key opportunity to learn about the latest research that is shaping the revised regulations on waste electricals, one of the fastest growing waste streams in the UK and globally. At the event you will learn more about the latest insights, including key topics such as the rise of FastTech and vapes, critical raw material recovery and how we can measure how the waste electricals system can support a circular economy.

The event was hosted by IEMA and was delivered in collaboration with Material Focus, the not for profit leading the UK wide Recycle Your Electricals campaign.

The event featured a range of expert speakers including Scott Butler, Executive Director of Material Focus, and will be chaired by Fleur Ruckley, Head of Implementation of Topolytics

Insights into Waste electricals - how to stop precious resources being lost forever - Latest research and insights from Material Focus



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