21st June 2023 - 9:30am - 12:00pm

This workshop is worth 2 hours of IEMA Recognised CPD and is for IEMA members only.

Why not join our online, interactive workshop enabling you to explore the Full Membership & CEnv competencies and understand how to plan for and write your application. Delivered by an experienced IEMA Full Member & CEnv assessor and lasting 2 ½ hours, this workshop will give you the confidence you need to craft a high quality application and kick start your journey to Full Membership & Chartered Environmentalist giving you renewed momentum to achieve your goal.

Attendee numbers will be limited to 10 per session ensuring ample opportunity to dig into the specifics of the standard and the process that you need the most. These workshops are interactive so be prepared to ask questions and give your opinions. The session works best for those who have made a start on their applications.