PLEASE NOTE: To improve members' experience and to make the process of logging Continual Professional Development (CPD) easier, IEMA’s online CPD portal will be replaced in the coming months. BUT we will be unable to migrate data across to the new portal. If you are looking to start logging your CPD or have existing CPD records on the current portal, please download this Word template to log all new and existing CPD records. When the current system is discontinued, your CPD log will not be accessible. The new system for logging CPD will be released later this year. You will be informed of when and how to access this.

What is CPD?

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the structured vocational learning any professional carries out to keep their knowledge, skills and capabilities up to date. It is learning that shapes and boosts our careers and helps maintain competence when laws, regulations, standards and practice change, or your career path alters course.

What can CPD do for me?

As an IEMA member, a solid record of vocational learning supports your membership journey, helps you keep up to date with changes in line with your longer-term career goals and keeps you informed of changes to policies, regulations, legislation, standards and practices required of an environment and sustainability professional.

What counts as CPD?

Your annual CPD record can be made up of several kinds of learning and activities – from formal training courses to reading articles, from attending workshops to coaching others. Just ensure that your learning relates to your development goals and you’ll easily demonstrate to employers, clients and IEMA that you are committed to developing what you know and what you can do.

How do I get started?

Because it’s such an integral part of your working life, it’s important that logging your development goals and learning is both simple and convenient. IEMA’s online CPD portal allows members to easily plan, record and reflect on your learning each year. All you have to do is log-in, set up a profile and plot your learning for the year. Follow the steps below to get started on your CPD record, right away.

  1. Log in to MyIEMA
  2. Click 'Manage your Membership' button
  3. Click on the 'CPD Record' tab to access the portal
  4. Select your Profile/s and begin

The portal is easy to use, but if you need any guidance, just click the Help button.

Not yet an IEMA member?

If you are not an IEMA member and would like to talk to us about CPD and how it can benefit your career, please contact us today.

If you have any questions about CPD, why you should do it and how, please check out the FAQs.

Any further questions

If you have any questions about your CPD or the CPD portal that are not answered in our FAQs, Please get in touch with [email protected] at any time.