Environmental Impact Assessment Training (Advanced)

This 2-day course is designed to build upon a core understanding of EIA procedures to provide learners with in-depth understanding enabling them to effective lead and advise colleagues on the EIA process for their decision-making authority (e.g. Council, PINS, SoS / Devolved Government, or Government Department). The course was originally designed for selected experienced planning officers within northern Ireland's 11 Council's and the central Department of Infrastructure. The EIA experience of FothergillTC's Trainers means the course materials can be readily be adapted to any UK context. The course involves a greater focus on practical activity and discussions to enable leaners to better evaluation significance within the EIA process, drive more proportionate assessment and deliver mitigation that can be more efficiently turned into conditions.

Website: www.fothergilltc.com

Providers offering this Course

Fothergill Training and Consulting Ltd

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