In January, the much anticipated launch of the 2nd edition of the Guidelines on Ecological Impact Assessment were launched, this webinar will provide IEMA and CIEEM members with an outline of the key changes, updates and additions made to this core IA text.

Well over 90% of all UK Environmental Statements include a topic chapter related to ecology; the vast majority of which will base their methodological approach on CIEEM’s Guidelines on Ecological Impact Assessment. However, those Guidelines have now been updated and launched as a second edition, leading to a need to understand the details of their new chapter on baseline, its reference to biodiversity offsetting and ecosystem services and clarifications around cumulative effects, residual impacts and significance.

IEMA and CIEEM have teamed up to provide members of both institutes with an informative webinar which will feature presentations from two professionals involved in the development of the Guidelines and an opportunity to ask questions about the second edition.

Posted on Apr 15, 2016