Measuring social value can be harder than measuring economic value or environmental value. As a form of data, social value is less tangible, more subjective, and harder to interpret. During this session we explored options to measure social value correctly and better understand the interface between environmental measurement and social value. During this session you will gain: An overview of the key tools and approaches for measuring and reporting on social value; Insight on the interconnection between the measurement of environmental and social value; If you are a sustainability or environment professional grappling with understanding how to measure social value in your industry then this session is for you! Speakers: - Ben Carpenter, Chief Executive of Social Value International; - Nathan Goode, Head of Strategy and Consulting, Social Value Portal; - Peta Donkin, Associate Director, AECOM. This webinar counts for 1 hour of CPD, so don't forget to add it to your IEMA CPD Portal.