IEMA's CEO Sarah Mukherjee addresses the severe lack of diversity and inclusion in the sustainability profession and wider environment sector in an interview with The i Paper.
Black Lives Matter protests sparked planning for the diversity initiative (Photo: ISABEL INFANTES / AFP/Getty)
Black Lives Matter protests sparked planning for the diversity initiative (Photo: ISABEL INFANTES / AFP/Getty)

Black, Asian and ethnic minority (Bame) staff working in climate change and conservation are suffering “shocking” discrimination because of the colour of their skin, according to Sarah Mukherjee, the CEO of IEMA which represents sustainability professionals.

“We had a couple of workshops with our members of colour, and some of the conversations we had were just jaw dropping, people who were quite obviously discriminated against, and had no recourse at all.”

“Addressing the issue as a sector and holding each other to account on progress makes complete sense as a way to drive the action required.”

Read the full interview here.


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