IEMA launches policy and practice governance review

To ensure that IEMA can continue to effectively prioritise and resource its policy & practice activities across a growing range of thematic areas relevant to the membership a review of relevant governance structures will be undertaken during 2021.

Members will be engaged throughout the duration of the review and its final recommendations which will be presented to the IEMA Board upon completion will set out the governance arrangements that will enable the delivery of impactful policy & practice outputs over the long-term.

A scoping document for the review that explains more about its background can be found here.

An initial priority for the review is to appoint a member-led steering group that will provide oversight for the work. We are inviting expressions of interest from all IEMA members until Friday 5th March. These should be sent to [email protected].

Expressions of interest should set out in no more than 500 words:

  • Why this opportunity interests you
  • The specific skills and insights that you can offer
  • Initial thoughts on what would constitute effective governance for IEMA policy & practice outputs

The role of the steering group will be to:

  • Agree a Terms of Reference project plan and key deliverables for the review
  • Assist in member engagement and other evidence gathering activities
  • Advise on the development of the final review report and its recommendations
  • Sign-off on the report prior to its submission to the IEMA Board
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