No Time for a Breather

IEMA Says EC Must Push Ahead with Action on Circular Economy and Improved Air Quality in 2015

The Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment (IEMA) is concerned by the European Commission’s plans to drop its key EU Circular Economy package and slow progress on its Air Quality package in its work programme for 2015.

Martin Baxter IEMA’s Director of Policy and Engagement said: “The amendment of European waste legislation to align it with goals on resource efficiency security and circularity are overdue. There is widespread agreement amongst Governments business and wider groups that improving the efficient use - and reuse - of resources across Europe will benefit growth businesses jobs and the environment. To drop the package from the 2015 work programme will put a significant dent in the Commission’s Roadmap to a Resource Efficiency Europe.”

Speaking about Commission plans to delay its Air Quality package he added: “The planned slowdown on progress on the air quality directive risks delaying actions needed to tackle poor air quality across Europe. Recent reports indicate many Member States are failing to meet existing air quality targets in major cities including London and Brussels. The health and economic impacts of poor air quality are significant and further legislative action to improve the quality of the air we breathe should not be delayed.”

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