Budget 2012: "We urgently need a long term, consistent policy" says IEMA

IEMA calls for urgent decision on long term approach for businesses on CRC.

IEMA has issued a statement in response to the Chancellor's statement about the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme in today's Budget speech.

Businesses will welcome the opportunity to simplify the CRC but government must ensure that the scheme or any replacement continues to deliver significant carbon reductions. We urgently need a long term consistent policy framework to provide businesses with the confidence to invest in low carbon and energy efficient improvements.

We're disappointed that the government has not taken a longer term approach to the longer term CRC carbon price as this would provide business with more certainty for investment and effective action on climate change.

We also look forward to an announcement by the government on mandatory GHG reporting for business which will provide benefits for both the UK economy and the environment by delivering cost and carbon savings.

What do you think? Head to IEMA's LinkedIn Group to let us know your thoughts.

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