• Demonstrate and advocate high standards of professional practice

    This means I will:

    • comply with all legal requirements as they apply to me, going beyond compliance where standards of professional practice dictate
    • safeguard confidential, sensitive and personal information, not seeking personal gain from such information
    • advise and influence organisations and individuals, helping them comply with all legal requirements and supporting them to adopt good practice
    • ensure others I assign or contract work to are skilled and competent to deliver
    • challenge unlawful or unprofessional behaviour, taking action as necessary
    • respect scientific methods and use Science-Based Targets and evidence whenever practical
    • fulfil responsibilities to employers and clients in a timely, cost-effective and accurate manner.
  • Apply my skills and experience to protect and enhance the environment, improve quality of life and contribute to sustainability

    This means I will:

    • recognise the specific needs of stakeholders, including the environment and society, and my responsibilities to them
    • make decisions and take action that avoids harm, and has a positive impact on the environment and society
    • communicate environmental or social concerns with regard to action or in-action when giving advice
    • inspire and support others to act sustainably and to adopt sustainable and resilient business practices.
    • hallenge unsustainable behaviour and activity, taking action where necessary
    • be innovative, drive change and challenge norms, to support the journey towards sustainability
  • Advocate and apply high ethical standards, acting with honesty, integrity and objectivity

    This means I will:

    • be honest, open and trustworthy in my professional conduct
    • apply my knowledge and skills to the best of my ability, even when it conflicts with the interests of employers or clients
    • declare conflicts of interest that may influence – or be perceived to influence – my objectivity.
    • communicate the reliability, accuracy and quality of data and information provided to others
    • be accountable for my actions and decisions.
  • Strive to ensure equality of opportunity and respect diversity in my professional activity

    This means I will:

    • treat others fairly
    • strive to ensure equality of opportunity, diversity and inclusion, supporting human rights and dignity
    • act in a way that safeguards the physical and mental health, safety and wellbeing of others
    • be respectful of the customs, practices, culture and personal beliefs of others in my professional activity.
  • Act in accordance with my level of competence

    This means I will:

    • recognise the limits to my own professional competence
    • accept only work for which I am suitably skilled and have the resources to deliver
    • seek support and expert advice where I am required to stretch my professional competence
    • keep a record of my CPD and submit to IEMA on request.
  • Keep my knowledge and skills current, and continually develop my professional competence

    This means I will:

    • learn from my experience and reflect on my actions and decisions, so that I can improve my future performance
    • keep my knowledge and skills current and relevant, staying abreast of developments in professional and best practice
    • keep a record of my CPD and submit to IEMA on request.
  • Uphold the reputation of the profession

    This means I will:

    • always act in a way that upholds the reputation and values of my profession, doing nothing that would bring it into disrepute
    • demonstrate leadership qualities appropriate to my role and act as an ambassador for sustainability in all that I do
    • promote IEMA’s vision, values, mission and standing as the leading professional body for sustainability professionals
    • contribute to the development of my profession through my involvement with IEMA