Environment and Business: Reviewed and Rated
Last week's Environment and Business conference proved to be a vibrant focussed and enjoyable event. Click for details of the full review and feedback results.A full review of IEMA's conference for 2010 Environment and Business: The challenge and the opportunity will be published in Issue 108 of 'the environmentalist' on Monday 15th November.
Members should turn to Page 18 to for the highlights and photographs of the event. Pages 20-21 feature profile interviews with the winner and runners-up and of IEMA Graduate Award 2010.
Further to this the Environment and Business delegates have now formally submitted their feedback on the event to IEMA. The feedback survey closed at 5pm on Wednesday 10th November.
The feedback received both formally and verbally during the course of the conference has been overwhelmingly positive. The survey feedback also included some useful suggestions for areas we could improve or introduce to our future events.
Some early top-line results are as follows
- 79.6% of delegates rated the Day 1 speakers as Good or Excellent and a massive 91.7% gave the same rating for Day 2's speakers.
- 99% of the delegates stated that the expectations they had when booking their place had been met in some way
- 87.7% rated the planning and organisation as Good or Excellent
- 86.6% rated the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in Westminster the venue for Environment and Business as Good or Excellent
- Almost 60% of those who responded wished to provisionally book their place at next year's conference on 7th-8th June 2011 in Birmingham.
When asked What was your personal highlight of the conference? Some delegates said;
- Being able to step back and get other peoples' perspectives on the environmental challenge.
- I don't have any specifics as it was an excellent all round event
- A feeling that business wants to lead and that the business case is strong enough for this to be worthwhile.
- Generally being re-enthused about environmental communications and staff involvement.
- Hearing the speakers from M&S PepsiCo and Futerra - plus hearing them reflect on the same issues we all encounter!
- Mike Barry's talk - very motivating
Thank you to each of the delegates who were able to provide feedback on their experience at Environment and Business. The results of the feedback including all recommendations highlights and ideas will now be used to help influence the planning and programme of 2011's event.
Thanks also go to each of the speakers exhibitors volunteers and sponsors (NQA Defra Cogent and Ruddocks) who contributed to the success of Environnment and Business.
See you in Birmingham next year!