IEMA Survey on amendments needed to improve the EIA Directive

IEMA will be inviting member to offer their views in a survey on the European Commission's initial options related to amending the EIA Directive. Click on the title for details.

During the first week of August members will receive and e-mail which links to an online survey which focuses on the European Commission's initial options related to amending the EIA Directive.

As part of IEMA's central Environmental Assessment theme the institute's survey replicates the Commission's own questions as well as delving further into areas that will assist our research into The State of EIA Practice in the UK.

All IEMA members with an interest in EIAare encouraged to take part in this survey.

IEMA will be promoting it to other professionals involved in related disciplines such as planners through the RTPI and developers via wider activity.

When you receive the survey e-mail please feel free to forward the link on to your own contacts such as developers or environmental topic specialists whom you feel would be interested in providing their view. Apart from e-mail circulation the survey will also be available in an article on IEMA's [page:home] during August.

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