Carbon Capture and Storage is the Future: Darling


The UK can be the birthplace of the world's full scale Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) demonstration plant UK Trade & Industry Minister Alistair Darling said yesterday.

Following the announcement in the Budget of a competition to build a full scale CCS demonstration plant in the UK the Secretary said; “Gas and coal are important to the energy mix globally and in the UK. Fossil fuels may still make up half of the world’s energy supply in 2050.”

“CCS has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions from fossil fuel power by up to 90% (a recent German study says 78% red.). And contribute 20% of global CO2 mitigation by 2050.”

“Rapid deployment of CCS technology in growth economies such as India and China will be vital. This competition gives innovative UK industries the opportunity to become the leading exporters of CCS technology for the low carbon age.”

The Minister didn’t mention the Norwegian test site in Mongstad where a gas fueled plant will be equipped with CCS as well.

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