Go nuclear, save the planet says Lovelock


James Lovelock father of the Gaia theory says green opposition to atomic power as seen in the High Court last week is crazy: What an incredible mistake Greenpeace made when it took the government to court in an attempt to delay the building of new nuclear power stations. By so doing it increases the burden of carbon dioxide (C02) the Earth has to bear; nuclear is the only large-scale energy source that is emissions free. Why don't we wake up and emulate the French who make almost all their electricity from nuclear energy? French trains are legendary especially the TGV. One of these bound for Marseilles was standing at the Gare de Lyon; it seemed like any other train except that it was double decked. We climbed aboard and took our seats on the upper tier and sat back as it travelled from Paris to Marseilles at 200mph. No wonder the French are building an even faster train track from Paris to Germany. Best of all this form of intercity travel is the world's only wholly carbon-free nonpolluting way of travelling because the trains are powered by nuclear electricity. Soon our cars and trucks will be powered by batteries charged from the electricity supply. What a wonderful way to avoid C02 emissions but only if we make nuclear our source of electricity.
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