Environmental Improvement Vital to Inward Investment


A major transnational conference is being held as part of the Interreg IIIB project 'Creating a Setting for Investment' and is hosted by Sheffield City Council South Yorkshire Forest Partnership and Sheffield University.

'Making Places Profitable' will explore the role of environmental improvements in stimulating economic growth and will examine the impact of landscape quality on investment decisions.

Confirmed speakers include Sir Bob Kerslake (Chief Executive Sheffield City Council); Prof Michael Parkinson (Liverpool John Moores University); Richard Simmons (Chief Executive CABE); Prof Peter Roberts (Chair Academy for Sustainable Communities); Dr. Meinolf Bertelt-Glöß LEG North Rhine Westphalia; Gideon Amos (Director Town & Country Planning Association); Richard Walker (Director South Yorkshire Forest Partnership); Lars Gemzoe (Centre for Public Space Research Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts) and Henrik Nolmark (Urban Laboratory Gothenburg).

Delegates will be invited to input their own thoughts and experiences during a number of participative workshops and seminars and will have the opportunity to visit and discuss real examples of regeneration schemes around Sheffield.

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