Carbon Vision Leadership Programme – Call for Proposals

The EPSRC and the Carbon Trust have allocated �2.3 million within the Carbon Vision initiative to support The Carbon Vision Leadership Programme. Within this programme only two awards will be made to outstanding scientists and engineers of growing international reputation with the potential to become world leaders in low carbon research driving development of the technologies that will be required as the UK moves towards a low carbon economy. The awards will be allocated mainly to support new or existing research groups in low carbon research with a balance of senior postdoctoral and doctoral positions.The researchers are expected to work within a Higher Education Institution with a demonstrable track record in supporting the emergence and commercialisation of a range of technologies. In considering applications particular attention will be given to the extent to which the host institution is prepared to provide a supportive financial academic and commercial climate to enable the growth and continuity of the Carbon Vision Leadership Programme. Potential applicants are encouraged to discuss their ideas with Dr Filomena La Porta([email protected]) at EPSRC or Dr Garry Staunton([email protected]) at the Carbon Trust well in advance of submission. For further information:
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