Asim Ali, the Public Affairs Officer for IEMA, examines the UK Government's policy announcements from April and May 2023 and how they affect the goals of decarbonisation and environmental sustainability. This blog post is part of a monthly series that also reflects on the activity of relevant select committees and all-party parliamentary groups.

Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs:

Landscape recovery round two

The Department of Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs has initiated the second phase of Landscape Recovery, which concentrates on net zero, protected sites, and wildlife-rich habitats.

Global Centre on Biodiversity for Climate (GCBC)

The Global Centre on Biodiversity for Climate (GCBC), an international research and development initiative, is funding research exploring natural solutions to poverty and climate change. It was first introduced by Lord Goldsmith at COP 26. The objective of the GCBC is to create a global network of research organisations and authorities to fill crucial knowledge gaps about how biodiversity conservation and sustainable usage may solve climate issues and enhance livelihoods.

Water Infrastructure

The UK government has released its National Policy Statement for Water Resources Infrastructure following a consultation. The government also published the 'Plan for Water: our integrated plan for delivering clean and plentiful water' which calls for an additional £1.6 billion in infrastructure spending to enhance the water quality of rivers, lakes, and coastal waters and ensure long-term water supplies.

Biodegradable waste

The Department of Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs is seeking views, data, and other supporting information on ways to reduce the amount of biodegradable trash deposited in landfills starting in 2028. This consultation closes on 7th July 2023.

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy:

The Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (now defunct) has released the findings of a consultation on the Great British Insulation Scheme. The government proposed that larger energy suppliers provide insulating measures to households living in the least energy-efficient homes to reduce annual heating costs. After considering feedback, the government plans to implement the scheme between now and March 2026.

Department for Energy Security and Net Zero:

British Energy Security Strategy

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero is currently seeking feedback on a variety of topics related to energy Security [make Security lowercase and add this link across ‘energy security’:]. They are seeking evidence to inform the UK's transition to price-based competitive allocation for low-carbon hydrogen production, which closes on 2 August 2023.

The department is seeking views on developing local partnerships for onshore wind with supportive communities in England, which closes on 7 July 2023. They are also appealing for opinions on a Strategy and Policy Statement for energy policy in Great Britain, which closes on 2 August.

Additionally, they are seeking feedback on the revised energy National Policy Statements that support decisions on major energy infrastructure, which closes on 23 June 2023.

IEMA has created a toolkit for local authorities to take practical measures in decarbonisation as the majority of local authorities have declared climate emergencies and are formulating strategies to deliver ambitious net-zero targets. Here is further information from the project's lead at IEMA, Chloë Fiddy.

Energy Price Guarantee

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero has created a policy paper that explains the energy price guarantee for households in the UK, which is in line with the Ofgem price cap.

Green Finance Strategy

The Green Finance Strategy outlines the UK Government's plan to align its financial centre with a net zero, environmentally friendly, and climate-resilient world. The strategy mobilises both public and private financial flows to achieve its environmental and climate goals.

The UK has also pledged to invest $11.6 billion in International Climate Finance, and the strategy outlines how the funds will be spent and what outcomes will be produced. Additionally, the government has published net zero investment roadmaps for heat pumps, carbon capture, usage and storage, and hydrogen.

In our latest roundtable session, IEMA hosted The Rt Hon Chris Skidmore MP to speak about his review and the government's revised plans for net zero delivery. The key talking points are outlined here by Ben Goodwin, Head of Policy at IEMA.


The UK Government has released a net zero investment roadmap that highlights the government's CCUS policy and investment opportunities. Additionally, the government has published a policy paper on plans to improve the UK's energy security, take advantage of economic opportunities presented by the transition, and fulfill net zero pledges.

In the wake of the UN's Race to Zero campaign, IEMA recently conducted a webinar to promote and highlight the net zero accomplishments made in the environmental sector. IEMA Policy and Engagement Lead, Chloë Fiddy, provides a summary of the webinar here.

Select Committees:

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee

The Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs Select Committee is finalising its inquiry for the resource and waste provisional common framework. The evidence is crucial for reducing disparities in waste and resource policy across the UK, particularly at the devolved level. The framework will be brought before the UK Parliament for additional review.

Built Environment Committee

The Built Environment Committee is looking into how environmental regulations affect development. It will evaluate how environmental rules affect growth, taking into account the governance, related expenses for project promoters and developers, and the effect on project delivery of nationally defined environmental standards in England.

IEMA provided written evidence to the inquiry. We conducted a workshop with members, development sector experts, and local authority representatives to gather their suggestions for the consultations. Additional information is provided here.

Environmental Audit Committee

The Environmental Audit Committee is concluding its investigation into the opportunities and challenges presented by the growing reliance on electricity needed to deliver a net zero economy.

The committee has also completed its investigation to determine the effectiveness of current initiatives to improve both indoor and outdoor air quality and to determine if air quality targets are enough for safeguarding both public health and the environment.

All Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs):

Sustainable Resource APPG

The Sustainable Resource APPG's secretariat, Policy Connect, is concluding its review of the evidence for its inquiry, 'Unpacking the circular economy: reuse and refill in packaging solutions'. The findings of the inquiry will be shared in a report.

Net Zero APPG

The decarbonisation of the housing sector will be crucial for the UK to meet its net-zero targets. It is among the most difficult sectors to decarbonize. The Net Zero APPG recently hosted a session on enabling net zero housing, which was presided over by Alex Sobel MP.

IEMA recently hosted a roundtable discussion with the Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Net Zero, Kerry McCarthy MP, to discuss the challenges and opportunities for the UK’s economy in delivering on the net zero transition. IEMA’s Head of Policy, Ben Goodwin, summaries the key talking points.

Environment APPG

The Environment APPG has released a briefing on the main effects of the suggested budget allocation for upland areas under the ELM scheme. The briefing also describes how the future Land Use Framework might benefit farmers, the environment, and the climate.

Photo of Asim 2
Asim Ali

Senior Public Affairs Officer

Asim joined IEMA in May 2022 and is IEMA's Senior Public Affairs Officer. Prior to joining IEMA, Asim worked in a variety of roles for three Members of Parliament and interned for the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. He also holds an MA in Human Rights, Globalisation & Justice


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