Portrait photograph of Fergal Maguire

Fergal Maguire

Committee Member

An outgoing, driven and committed individual with a passion for the environment and a keen interest in fitness, undertaking activities such as hiking, cycling, running and surfing.

I've established my own company in recent years, offering expertise in environmental and ecological consultancy. With over 9 years of experience in the industry, I’ve worked on various projects and gained invaluable expertise within compliance, ecology, and resource efficiency arenas.

A large part of my current work involves the production of Ecological Impact Assessments, Habitat Regulation Assessments, Invasive Species Management and Construction Environmental Management for various scales of developments throughout the island of Ireland. I’ve extensive experience in priority species surveys, including Bats, Badgers, and Otters, and habitat assessments, including Phase I and Fossitt habitat surveys. I’ve wide-ranging experience as an Ecological Clerk of Works, working with contractors on development projects, and overseeing the implementation and adherence of both wildlife and environmental regulations.

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