We have created several resources to help you prepare your Full Membership (and Chartered Environmentalist) application:

Understanding Full Member Competencies - Video Series

We are creating a series of short videos designed to help you understand the Full member level competencies and support you with upgrading. This page will continue to be updated with up to date resources and insights. Find out more HERE.

The Sustainability Skills Map

A useful tool for helping to identify the grade of membership best suited to you.

The Sustainability Skills Map will help you align your skills, knowledge and experience to the most appropriate grade. By going through the grades, you will be able to have a look through the competencies associated with that grade and the eligibility criteria by clicking on each competency. Alternatively, by clicking on each of the grades you will be able to see the key competences that you will need to have knowledge of or demonstrate.

Gap analysis tool

Members who have achieved Full membership say that often, the most difficult part of putting together an application is actually getting started on it.

The Gap Analysis Tool will help you plan, develop, and piece together your application. It’s designed to ensure you capture the best of your achievements, and that your CV and supporting paper cover the competencies outlined in the Full Membership Standard.

Download your free Gap Analysis Tool below.

Reading Resources for the Full Membership Grade

This Reading Resource signposts you to a range of resources that will help you develop your knowledge and prepare for the IEMA Full membership grade. The list is not intended to be seen as a prescribed reading list. The first part contains predominantly IEMA-related resources, from the IEMA Reading Room. The second part lists books recommended by Full IEMA Members.

Application Guidance

Here we provide guidance and written samples for each section of your supporting paper.

Webinar Support

Former IEMA Head of Professional Standards Claire Kirk guides you through the upgrade process, from application through to interview. Claire will tell you what to expect, how to prepare and essentially guide you on your way to achieving MIEMA.

Mentoring scheme

The IEMA Mentoring Scheme is a free service; another option if you feel you need a little more help and guidance.

Let us know if you’re interested and we’ll match you with a Mentor – someone who has already achieved Full Membership and is equipped to help you on your journey towards reaching that same goal.

Over 3-6 months you will have regular calls and e-mail catch-ups with your Mentor as they guide you towards your goal. It’s a great way to take the next step in your career with the support of someone who’s experienced the finer details of the process, and successfully achieved MIEMA.

If you feel that you are still not quite ready to apply for Full membership, why not apply for additional support?

Written Submission Review (£78)

This route is ideal if you want one-to-one, clear, friendly and expert guidance from someone who knows the standard and the application process inside out. They’ll review your draft paper, give you hints and tips for making it even better and talk you through the process, answering any questions you have about what to expect, taking the worry out of your upgrade.

To add this option to your application, simply choose your application route and select 'add support programme' when completing your online application.

Online Workshops

If you would benefit from having an online interactive workshop with a Full Member Assessor, where the competencies of Full membership will be discussed, and hints and tips for writing your application will be shared, book onto one of our web-workshops. These workshops will give you the confidence needed for starting your journey to Full Membership and help you clarify whether you feel ready for this membership grade.

These workshops are run once a month and places are limited, so keep an eye out for available dates and book early to avoid disappointment.

If you have any questions about which option you should take, get in touch with our Membership Team at [email protected] or on +44 (0)1522 540069.