23/07/2024 | 0 min read

Yorkshire & Humberside: Greenwashing - Deliberately Misleading or Simply Misguided?

Our Yorkshire and Humberside digital coffee morning looked at the topic of 'greenwashing' with Sarah Duncan, sustainable business development/ethical marketing consultant and author of The Ethical Business Book. Sarah gave a brief overview on the rise of greenwashing and its relationship to the increase in more conscious consumerism, and then considered if the practice is always a deliberate attempt to deceive, or if there are there cases of genuine naivety due to complexity of supply chains and a topic moving at such extraordinary speed. Sarah also aided discussion around ways for environmental industry professionals to collaborate more effectively with communicators (the marketing industry) to help stamp out greenwashing in the future. This session was not just aimed at environmental professionals who would like to be able to support their marketing teams in more ethical marketing, but also those of us who would like to support our business procurement choices based on a better understanding of green claims. This digital event was primarily for IEMA members based in the Yorkshire & Humberside Region, but members from other Regions are also welcome.