10/06/2024 | 0 min read

Introduction to Biodiversity Credits

Biodiversity Credits are rapidly emerging and might play an important part in managing corporate impacts on the natural world. With a rapid development of many different types of credit, there is a risk confusion in the market, a failure to bring biodiversity benefits and a loss of trust. In this webinar we will bring together a panel of people working in the field to discuss what biodiversity credits are and how they might work. Attendees will find out: • what are biodiversity credits? • how might biodiversity credits work? • what role of regulatory vs voluntary credit systems in the UK? • how will they generate positive conservation outcomes? This webinar will be useful to both landowners who are interested in selling credits as well as those who maybe want to buy credits at some point. Speakers include: - Laura Grant, BNG Policy Team Leader, BNG Market and Credits, Defra - Paul Jepson, Head of Innovation, CreditNature Ltd - Tom Butterworth, Head of Ecology UK, WSP - Edward Pollard, Strategic Director, Nature Strategies, The Biodiversity Consultancy - Dorothee Herr, Senior Associate, Nature Markets, Nature Finance