24/07/2024 | 0 min read

North Wales Digital Event: Wildlife Preservation

This digital event was run by the North Wales regional group where three organisations presented on their biodiversity work and how they assist in Wildlife Preservation in North Wales. This digital event was run by the North Wales regional group where three organisations presented on their biodiversity work and how they assist in Wildlife Preservation in North Wales. The speakers included: • Hilary Kehoe, Kehoe Countryside Ltd: Kehoe work with Landowners, predominantly County Councils and the RSPB in order to protect the existing land and wildlife. Hilary's presentation will cover land conservation and the work they do with the local community and using natural materials as they strive to work in sympathy with the surroundings. • Roy Tapping, Cofnod: This organisation is one of four Local Environmental Records Centres (LERCs) in Wales and forms part of the first national network of LERCs anywhere in the UK. Their name reflects the importance of observing and recording wildlife, with the creation of a record being the starting point for all the data we hold. Roy will present on how they bring together all these individual records into a centralised database, allowing us to have better knowledge of the environment in which we live. • Rob Taylor, The Police Rural Crimes Team: This team are actively targeting rural thefts, such as animal rustling and the theft of birds of prey eggs and more. Rob will present on their prime responsibilities and work activities including examples of crimes they have investigated. All the presenters work in collaboration to preserve the existing Wildlife and their Habitats in Wales and the webinar will conclude with a Q&A session. This webinar is ideal for any business working on Planning and Conservation Environmental work regarding wildlife in North Wales along with any professional interested in this field. This webinar represents 1 hour of IEMA CPD.