  • Wednesday, 24 April 2024

  • 09:30 - 15:30

  • Online

This webinar is the second in a series of webinars by the IEMA Biodiversity and Natural Capital Network on nature and finance. The first was an introduction to biodiversity and sustainable finance and now we move from the macro to near the micro by looking at newly developing nature markets.

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) came into regulation for large developments on 12 February this year. BNG for small sites will come into force in April 2024 and for national infrastructure projects in November 2025.

BNG has created a new market for biodiversity ‘units’ or credits. Meanwhile, there remains increasing markets for nutrient neutrality (for developments on protected sites) and nature based solutions for climate change mitigation (nature based carbon credits). In 2023, the Government published a paper ‘Nature markets: A framework for scaling up private investment in nature recovery and sustainable farming’ that sets out principles for nature markets, alongside ambitions to extend to, for example, water quality.

This webinar explores different options for BNG compensation from a range of different compensation providers, including a review of S106 and conservation covenant agreements. Attendees will understand how the provision of offsite units varies between counties and compensation providers with a range of different models for delivery described during the session.

Attendees will learn:
- Different types of compensation available
- Compensation providers
- Understanding of S106 requirements and conservation covenant agreements
- Provision of offsite unit types
- Greater understanding of different models for delivery of compensation available

This webinar will focus on practical case studies from a mix of stakeholders that will show BNG compensation in action.