MSc Sustainable Engineering (including Professional Practice)

The role of professional engineers in sustainability and sustainable development is vital; working to improve people’s quality of life, welfare and health and safety, they provide options and solutions that minimise environmental impact and maximise the sustainability of natural resources.

Engineers are increasingly required to adopt a wider, more global perspective than a purely environmental approach that embraces the 17 sustainable development goals as set out by the UN. This presents engineers with significant opportunities to promote change by means of global connections, sharing of experience and best-practice, and leadership of increasingly multi-disciplinary teams across the world.

Through an integrated approach of Multi-Disciplinary, Real-World Problem-Based Learning and collaboration with our industrial and research partners and network, this MSc programme will enable engineers to innovate and bring forward more holistic solutions that meet human needs while protecting our natural resources, by equipping students with the necessary tools and skills in critical thinking, communication, team working, leadership, research, project management, and innovation.

The course aims to embed sustainability and sustainable development deep within the mind-set of engineers, providing them with the skills to design and construct new technologies, and envision engineering solutions that embrace the challenges of global sustainable development, ultimately, developing globally minded and socially aware engineers that are future agents of change, able to innovate and bring forward more holistic solutions that meet the needs of societies without discrimination while protecting our natural resources.

Through a balanced provision of fundamental and technical knowledge, practical application, students are equipped with the necessary qualitative and quantitative analytical tools and skills, and further develop essential professional skills, that will enable them to tackle the evolving, complex local and global sustainable development issues and challenges.

Guest seminars, lectures and workshops are also hosted by our partner organisations including EWB UK, Energy Systems Catapult, Energy and Bioproducts Research Institute (EBRI), and the Institute for Energy (IFE), Norway, amongst other other world leading external organisations. Through this course, students are also given the opportunity to take part in International Engineering Design Challenges administered by Engineers without Borders (EWB) UK and the Efficiency for Access Coalition.

This MSc programme additionally features the opportunity to undertake a Professional Placement in its second year.

Providers offering this Course

Aston University

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