MSc Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Design (with Professional Development)(Brunel)

The adverse consequences of unsustainable human development in the 21st century have become inescapable global realities. The next big challenge for society, therefore, is to transform our economy to incorporate the principles of sustainability. This presents an exciting opportunity to rethink, redesign and rebuild a positive future for business practice. This course will provide you with the skills across the disciplines of science, engineering design and business to capitalise on the green economy opportunity, whilst equipping you with the mindset and ability to play a key role in building a sustainable world; one that is not only prosperous, but environmentally stable and socially inclusive. The MSc with 6-month professional development provides further hands-on experience, to help our graduates to become entrepreneurs, business leaders, change-makers and innovators.

Providers offering this Course

Brunel University London

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