MSc Environmental Impact Assessment and Management (MSc EIAM)

All sorts of industries such as offshore wind, mineral extraction and construction depend on Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA). Although many are struggling to find people with the right technical knowledge.

The master’s at Oxford Brookes is a gateway to many potential careers consulting, project managing, developing regulations, or championing sustainability.

Your future is a top priority for us. To gain the full MSc, you’ll complete 4 core modules, the Research Methods module, and a dissertation. You can choose to finish with a PGCert or PGDip instead or take individual modules for professional development. You can join the course in September or in January either full time on-campus or part-time through distance learning.

We designed the course by consulting with our industry partners to make sure the content is relevant to your future career. You’ll understand challenges in the industry, get to know best practice, and hear the latest developments directly from our researchers.

The content applies to EIA all over the world. Our students are from a diverse range of backgrounds and have diverse perspectives. It’s a rewarding environment to study in. You’ll come away with inspiring ideas to apply in your own career.

If you’re joining us through distance learning, we’ve made the course as flexible as possible. You can join face-to-face sessions and meet the students on campus. You can join live lectures and seminars through video call. Or you can catch up on the recordings if you have previous commitments. You’ll study 1 module each semester, with classes taking place 1 day each week.

Providers offering this Course

Oxford Brookes University

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