Responsible actions


Hello and welcome to another edition of Transform. I hope that you’ve had a good and productive few months so far. We certainly have some thought-provoking articles this edition to help you with your business planning for the rest of the year. Milton Friedman‘s famous doctrine that businesses’ first responsibility is to deliver shareholder value has been cited many times by environmental experts as one of the reasons why we face the multiple crises of climate and nature today. Andrew Winston, one of the world’s foremost thinkers on management, considers ESG, financial disclosures and why Milton Friedman might have been far less sympathetic to modern business models than you might think. People in the UK are internationally renowned for talking about the weather. But in the past year or two, complaining about public transport has been added to the list of social conversation topics. So why does the UK lag behind Europe in take-up of public transport? As Huw Morris reports, linking housing density to public transportation might be the answer. Finally, when you have finished your yoghurt, have you ever thought about if, how and where the pot can be recycled? Polypropylene, or PP, has been difficult to recycle for several reasons, but David Burrows explains how that may be changing. That’s it from me. As always, please do let us know if you have any comments or suggestions for future articles. You, our members, are involved in so many interesting projects and it’s a joy to share them with a wider audience! Have a great couple of months and speak soon.
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