Response to GHG reporting consultation

IEMA has responded to Defra's consultation exercise on whether regulations should be introduced to make it mandatory for certain UK companies to report on their greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions.

As widely reported over the past year, IEMA supports a mandatory reporting requirement for all large companies – option 3 in Defra’s consultation – and has now submitted a response, which draws on direct evidence from IEMA members gleaned from surveys and workshops.

The response challenges some central aspects of the consultation’s accompanying impact assessment. Critically, this included assumptions relating to costs and benefits over time and to the value of GHG reporting.

The IEMA response addresses the specific consultation questions and presents practitioner-sourced evidence and information on the benefits, costs and value of GHG reporting. Summary findings and analysis from the June 2011 survey of IEMA members on GHG reporting are also included.

The full IEMA response is available from IEMA's website.

For enquiries about IEMA’s work on GHG reporting, please contact Nick Blyth, senior adviser for climate change, at [email protected].

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