Pledges and promises

So much of what we deal with in our everyday work involves broken promises.

Missed governmental targets, delayed consultations, nations withdrawing from agreements, dealing with clients’ non-conformance; it’s just what we have to face so we can either adapt or mitigate to get on. But it’s not what drives us. Focusing on the positive, the achievements and the possibility – that’s the motivator.

Over the past few months, I’ve been delighted to see so much evidence of members backing each other and giving congratulations when others achieve their career goals – the promises we make to ourselves. When members have delivered new guidance documents or written articles for TRANSFORM, I see message after message of “great read” on Twitter and LinkedIn, and it never fails to remind me of this alliance’s unique and positive force. Further proof, if needed, is your energetic response to our campaign to support World Environment Day on 5 June. In early May, we launched our #PledgeLessPlastic movement, and to say members have got involved is an understatement. We’re seeing many pledges to tackle plastic pollution from members – and through them, their colleagues, family and friends. It’s massively exciting and a great demonstration of what we achieve together.

And, just two weeks ago, we assembled to make something very exciting happen and deliver a single mutual goal – to catalyse our journey to Chartership. Following five years of work, we were able to keep our promise to hold a Royal Charter vote. That took place on 15 May, and your enthusiasm was beyond what we could have expected. You kept your promise to support the journey to Chartership with a very definite backing for our ambitions. I’m delighted to say that we’ve now been able to confidently submit our application.

I would like to say an enormous thank you for your support throughout this journey, which extends back across the membership level review, rebrand and governance changes. We could not have got to this point without your inspiration and dedication. Also, congratulations, as your professional body is all set to become Chartered in the near future. This is a true validation for all we’ve done, and I’m excited about all we’ve yet to achieve together. I promise.

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