October: New regulations

The latest legislation, guidance and consultation.



The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 makes amendments to the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 to include provisions on the purpose of planning, an open space strategy, an assessment of environmental effects and a forestry and woodland strategy.


Water pollution

Comes in to force: 12 October 2019

The Environmental Protection (Cotton Buds) (Scotland) Regulations 2019 make it an offence to manufacture, supply, offer to supply or have in possession for supply plastic-stemmed cotton buds in Scotland.


Invasive species

Comes into force: 1 December 2019

The Invasive Alien Species (Enforcement and Permitting) Order (Northern Ireland) 2019 introduces penalties and sanctions to implement the requirements of Regulation (EU) 1143/2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species. cedr.ec/6bz



Comes into force: 20 August 2019

The Environment Agency has issued guidance on low risk waste management activities that do not need an environmental permit. These Low Risk Waste Positions explain when you do not need to apply for an environmental permit for those activities, are reviewed regularly and can be subject to a change in enforcement.


Fluorinated gas

Comes into force: 21 August 2019

The Environment Agency and Defra have produced a series of guidance documents on the requirements for users, producers and traders of fluorinated gas (F-gas). They include specific guidance on using or servicing F-gas equipment, labelling F-gas equipment, banned F-gases and selling F-gas. cedr.ec/6c1



Comes into force: 22 June 2019

Natural Resources Wales is seeking views on the issues affecting Wales, Western Wales River Basin District and the Dee River Basin District. This will help shape the third River Basin Management Plan and the next state of Natural Resources.


End-of-life vehicles

Comes into force: 6 August 2019

The European Commission is seeking views of the public on how well Directive 2000/53/EC on end-of-life vehicles is working and whether the rules it sets out are delivering the expected benefits for the environment. cedr.ec/6bq


Comes into force: 17 August 2019

Defra is calling for evidence to help transform the food system in England by developing a National Food Strategy. It is relevant to food producers, processors, retailers, consumers, policy specialists, academics, farmers, factory workers andhealth care practitioners.


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