New regulations

The latest legislation, guidance and consultation.



20 May 2020

European Eunion

The European Commission has adopted two new strategies that aim to halt biodiversity loss and transform our food systems. The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and A Farm to Fork Strategy are in line with the European Green Deal and seek to bring together nature, farmers, business and consumers to work towards a sustainable future.

Dangerous substances

1 July 2020

England/ Wales

The Environmental Protection (Disposal of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and other Dangerous Substances) (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 amends existing legislation to reflect the new EU requirement to remove all equipment containing more than 0.005% PCBs or PCB volumes greater than 0.05dm3 by 31 December 2025.


20 May 2020


The Deposit and Return Scheme for Scotland Regulations 2020 aim to promote and secure an increase in recycling by making sure targeted materials are collected in larger quantities and separately to other materials. This will be enforced through the Environmental Regulation (Enforcement Measures) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2020.


26 May 2020

England/Scotland/Wales/Northern Ireland

The Ecodesign for Energy-Related Products (Amendment) Regulations 2020 makes various amendments so the UK Market Surveillance Authority can enforce the new ecodesign requirements for external power supplies in the UK.


Air pollution

7 May 2020

Northern Ireland

The Air Pollution in Northern Ireland 2018 report from DAERA aims to provide user-friendly information on local air quality monitoring. It contains the key results of that monitoring from throughout the region during 2018.


Energy efficiency

19 May 2020

England/ Wales

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government is consulting on proposals to amend the existing Energy Performance of Buildings (England and Wales) Regulations 2012 for domestic and non-domestic buildings, which will contribute to improving the energy efficiency and reducing the carbon emissions of buildings.


29 April 2020

England/ Wales/ Scotland

The Department for Transport is seeking views on the three areas of the Future of Transport Regulatory Review to address outdated areas of regulation. These include micromobility vehicles, flexible bus services and mobility as a service.

Water pollution

5 May 2020


Natural Resources Wales has reviewed the guidance on assessing the impact of ammonia and nitrogen from agricultural developments, and is now seeking views on its proposed changes to that guidance.

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