Nature's green respite

Nature and biodiversity have been a haven for many during lockdown, says Sarah Mukherjee – just one reason why it’s important we preserve them

Hello, and welcome to another edition of Transform. In the northern hemisphere, the days are beginning to get a little longer and warmer. Blossom is emerging on the trees, and recently, for the first time this year, I was woken by birdsong rather than the alarm clock. Many of us around the world have been in lockdown, with breaks only to buy essential products and for exercise, and we have come to value and love the trees in our area for the green respite they provide – even more than we did before. The mental and physical effects and benefits of walking in woodland are well known, but do we ever think about those who planted the trees that we now so enjoy? On page 22, Huw Morris finds out what it takes to think about the landscape we will leave to future generations, and how to be a good ancestor to the communities of the future.

We in the IEMA staff team have already begun our discussions about representation at the UN climate change conference, to be held in Glasgow at the end of this year. We have some really exciting ideas that we hope will come to fruition, so watch this space for further news! However, there is an equally important UN Conference on biodiversity taking place in Kunming, China, in May. On page 16, Catherine Early looks at how businesses are addressing the ecological emergency, as well as the climate change crisis.

“The benefits of walking in woodland are well known, but do we ever think about those who planted the trees we now so enjoy?”

One of the highlights of this job is getting to talk to brilliant and inspiring members and professionals who are working across the world for a better future. On page 31, Funke Bolodeoku tells us about her work in Nigeria, advising organisations on how they can be better custodians of the environment.

I hope you enjoy these and other absorbing articles in this edition of Transform. As always, please send us your thoughts and comments about what you like and what you think we could improve. We are always delighted to hear from you!

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