IEMA spotlight: Environmental auditing

IEMA and a group of members have been working on new initiatives relating to environmental auditing.

Firstly, there is a new publication on the horizon which will focus on the value of environmental auditing. This is aimed at practitioners working in the field and those considering investing in or improving their internal or external audit programmes. It sets out a number of benefits, and shows that environmental auditing is an essential tool for tackling longstanding resource management issues and emerging topics such as climate-related financial disclosure and modern slavery.

Secondly, IEMA is reviewing the Environmental Auditor Register. IEMA has identified several areas for improvement that would make the register more valuable, and is working on some draft proposals to be shared with registrants and stakeholders.

Finally, IEMA has been working on sharing good practice advice for remote auditing. This began with a webinar in late April, and will be followed up by the collation of advice to members, drawn from the wider environmental auditing community.

I want to thank the Environmental Auditing Working Group for its generous contributions to these projects.

Spencer Clubb, IEMA head of policy and practice

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