IEMA Code of Professional Conduct
This September, IEMA is asking you to renew your commitment to a central IEMA policy by signing up to the new broadened and future-fit code of professional conduct.
At a time when ethics and trust in business has become a cause for concern across a range of professions, stakeholders are increasingly seeking assurances of workplace competence and ethics. Given the broad breadth and impact of your role, it’s crucial you are able to demonstrate that your work is backed up by a verified set of appropriate values and behaviours.
Your IEMA membership has always provided assurance of your competence through our professional standards, strong governance and code of conduct. The standards and governance policies have all been refreshed in recent years, and now that a robust review of the code has concluded, it is time to embed a new version – one that is designed for the 21st century.
The new IEMA Code of Professional Conduct (see below) is a framework of seven behaviours that set out how we behave as part of this profession, what others should expect from us and what we can ask of our fellow environment and sustainability professionals. Essentially, it guides us to make the right decisions at work where we may otherwise feel uncertain or unsupported. The code is also backed up by rigorous complaints and discipline processes, which means we can effectively and fairly investigate reports of unsuitable member conduct and take action on the rare occasions where it is necessary.
You can find out much more about your new code – including the review process, a helpful interpretation guide, case studies and guidance on resolving dilemmas – on the new Conduct Hub.
Go to today to explore the pages in detail before you sign up to the Code.
Abiding by the IEMA Code of Professional Conduct is an obligatory requirement of IEMA membership, which means you must sign up to the new Code as soon as possible.
We will keep reminding you to sign up, but your membership means more when you can show you meet all of the specifications. It’s easy to renew your pledge; just follow these steps today:
How to Click the Code
Step 1: Go to and log in to MyIEMA.
Step 2: Follow the instructions on the on-screen banner to declare that you agree to abide by the new IEMA Code of Professional Conduct.
Step 3. Download your #IClickedTheCode social media card so you can publically show your entire network that you’ve just renewed your commitment to excellent professional practice.
Step 4: That’s it – you’re done. You will need to state that you abide by the Code when you renew your membership each year, but until then you don’t need to do anything further.
If you have any questions about the new code, your sign up or anything concerning member conduct, get in touch any time at [email protected]
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