Help make our history

The word ‘transform’ is one that rings loud in our membership – not just in the name of this magazine. Everything you do is about change and improvement. Similarly, as your professional body, we have a responsibility to lead times of change and stay ahead of the game.

Together, we’ve transformed IEMA over the past five years, and now that we have done all the right things to build and strengthen our foundations, it’s time to go the extra mile. We’re all set to transform a little more.

Over the years, many members have told me they need the environment and sustainability profession to be better positioned alongside other established professions. When we drilled down to find out what that would mean and look like in reality, it was all about accelerating global understanding, recognition and respect for IEMA and the profession. Exactly right – but what kind of profile drives that after all the exciting changes we’re already made?

Those same members also specifically asked why IEMA wasn’t a chartered body. That was a great question! A number of established professions become chartered to demonstrate that their practitioners’ work hits three big targets – quality, impact and meaning. So, if there is any profession that should have chartered status, then it’s ours. I hope you’ll be pleased to know that we’ve been working on this for some time, and the time is now right for us to go for it officially.

On p7 you’ll read about our intentions to apply for a Royal Charter this year, the steps we’ll need to take for that to happen, and what all this means for you. You’ll also read how your input is absolutely critical to progressing even one stage further, so I hope you will support our plans with a vote at our upcoming extraordinary general meeting (EGM) on 15 May.

On that date, you’ll have the chance to help make our history as you vote in favour of formalising our application for a Royal Charter. We can progress no further until you have had your say.

This is a fantastic opportunity for you, the profession and IEMA. I look forward to seeing you at the EGM next month, where, together, we’ll write a new history for environment and sustainability.

For further information

If you have any questions about IEMA’s plans, get in touch with Katrina Pierce any time at [email protected]

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