EU to miss EAP targets
The final review of the EU's sixth Environment Action Programme (EAP) has confirmed that many of its targets will not be met.
The review said that despite creating a clear policy framework, member states’ failure to implement EU rules effectively has meant that targets, including halting biodiversity loss and improving resource use will not be met.
According to the report, since its launch in 2002, the 10-year plan has helped to create the EU emissions trading scheme and extend the Natura 2000 network, but has proved unable to cut overall waste production.
Janez Potonik, European commissioner for the environment, confirmed that the results from the EAP were not always as good as the commission had hoped for.
“Better implementation of EU rules by member states is needed to close the gap between the EAP’s legislative ambitions and its end results,” he said.
The report concluded that member states’ inclusion in the programme was no guarantee they were committed to its objectives.