Don't forget Downloaded

Since IEMA relaunched its online newsletter Downloaded at the beginning of February, the webpages have received more than 12,000 hits. Despite these high numbers, not all members are accessing the new service

Downloaded is delivered straight to your inbox fortnightly and provides essential links to the latest IEMA news; important announcements; policy updates; details of discounts on events and services; information on opportunities for members to get involved in the Institute’s activities; and the key events happening in the following two weeks.

By alternating publication of Downloaded with the environmentalist enewsletter, you receive a weekly update from IEMA, in line with feedback from members on how often they want to receive information from the Institute.

Future issues of Downloaded will be published on 25 April, 9 May and 23 May, so be sure to look out for the email in your inbox.

We welcome feedback on what you think of Downloaded and how it could be improved to meet members’ needs, and comments so far have been extremely positive and helpful.

Please contact IEMA’s communications coordinator Katrina Pierce at [email protected] to contribute your feedback.

If you have not yet received a link to Downloaded, then it may mean that we do not have the correct email address on your membership record.

To check that your details are complete, and correct, log into using your username and password, and click “update my details” to make any necessary changes.

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