Book review: Energy efficiency by Steven Fawkes
Energy efficiency
Dr Steven Fawkes / Ashgate / Hardback / £65 / ISBN: 978-1-4094-5359-8
This book looks at energy efficiency from a macro to a micro level; encompassing everything from government policies to the practical implementation of energy-saving measures in an organisation.
It is an informative and thoroughly referenced book that could be particularly helpful for students writing a paper on this topic.
By taking a systems approach, the author provides a detailed insight into all the major aspects of energy efficiency, including:
- energy management;
- existing, new and emerging technologies;
- the role governments can play in setting energy policy; and
- financing energy savings.
It also provides an interesting perspective on the role that energy suppliers play. If you are interested in learning why, as a planet, we have only reached the dizzy heights of 11% energy efficiency Dr Steven Fawkes’s book is definitely worth a read.
Andrew Fletcher, CEnv, is environment and training director at ESP