Book review: Cranfield on corporate sustainability

Cranfield on corporate sustainability

David Grayson and Nadine Exter / Greenleaf / Paperback £21.95 / ISBN: 978-1-906093-82-2

This academic study explores how to develop responsible and ethical business leaders, and consists of essays from Cranfield faculty members that aim to encourage debate on how to embed and improve management of corporate sustainability.

The result is thought-provoking, particularly for those who face the challenge of integrating sustainability into their organisations. However, it isn’t clear who this book is aimed at; be that business schools, sustainability professionals or business leaders.

Bite-sized chapters cover themes from board-level governance to how to achieve sustainable product development. Common difficulties in engaging employees with sustainable practices are highlighted and solutions are suggested for how to gain support.

The book also provides useful insights into the sustainability practices of high-profile organisations from research undertaken at Cranfield and touches on key initiatives and collaborations.

The book admits there is no silver bullet to create a sustainable organisation and that it’s a big task that can’t be achieved overnight; however, Cranfield has delivered a credible study that provides a valuable contribution to developing responsible business.

Review by Alex Butcher, environmental adviser at Cable and Wireless

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