Back from the summit
COP26 is now over, and we’re all digesting what the deal agreed in Glasgow actually means for us, our businesses and the planet. It was my privilege to represent IEMA members at the event.
Despite the perhaps disappointing outcome, I was amazed and inspired by the members I was lucky enough to meet during the conference – people all over the world doing incredible things that are making a real difference to the planet.
We must now think about how we can continue to implement the actions that will bring us to net zero, and we have plenty of food for thought for you in this edition of Transform. Jørgen Randers co-authored the seminal 1972 report The Limits to Growth, which completely changed the conversation around how we were using the planet’s resources; on page 14 we speak to him about his work a generation on, and its continued relevance for sustainability.
There were many conversations at the Glasgow summit about zero-carbon energy and how we are going to achieve it. For many countries, onshore and offshore wind are a vital part of the mix – but how do you go about ensuring that wind turbines are zero waste, too? Huw Morris has been finding out; read his report on page 32.
“I was amazed and inspired by the members I was lucky enough to meet during COP26”
Huw has also been investigating another little-discussed but vital question concerning sustainability: how much water is used in cooling the computer and IT information systems we rely on for our digital ways of working. The amount of water utilised is immense – can we reduce the impact while ensuring we remain connected? Find out on page 18. Meanwhile, Chris Seekings reports on an important COP26 side event that addressed the connnected issues of climate justice, education and gender equality, particularly regarding the role of girls’ education in fighting the climate crisis; you can read about this on page 27.
I hope you enjoy this edition of Transform as much as I have. As always, we welcome your thoughts and comments, and we are always interested in hearing new ideas for features and articles.
Have a great couple of months, and speak soon.
Sarah Mukherjee MBE, CEO, IEMA