Accelerating private investment in nature-based solutions

Enhancing and restoring our natural assets will require significant private sector investment. As post-Brexit natural environment architecture is designed, we can demonstrate the conditions necessary for private investment.

Accelerating private investment in nature-based solutions will:

  • Provide new income for land managers and owners by paying for environmental services delivered
  • Join up public and private funding streams to get better value for money
  • Speed up the development of environmental services markets
  • Enable businesses to invest in carbon offsets from nature-based projects and attract carbon offset investment
  • Position the UK as a world leader in financing action on nature recovery.

IEMA's Broadway Initiative has developed a proposal ( for the government on accelerating private sector investment. It:

  • Proposes that the government provides a minimum of £100m of funding for 12-20 demonstration projects in order to leverage at least £100m of private funding
  • Outlines how these projects would inject funding into communities to deliver improvements, and demonstrate necessary conditions for private investment in the longer term
  • Identifies project selection criteria and funding and governance options
  • Outlines the next steps for capturing this opportunity, with support from the finance and business communities.

Image credit: iStock

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