What does Natural Capital, Environmental and Biodiversity Net Gain really mean? Furthermore, how can businesses of all sizes benefit from integrating a Natural Capital Approach into their decision making? Our event helped attendees to better understand what Natural Capital, Environmental and Biodiversity Net Gain are, providing an update on the current position with respect to the 25 year plan; introduce good practice in designing development projects to follow Biodiversity Net Gain Principles, an update on DEFRA’s new Biodiversity Metric 2.0 and emerging British Standards. Managing ‘Natural Capital’ and providing ‘Environmental Net Gain’ has risen in prominence since the ‘25 Year Environment Plan’ placed a ’Natural Capital Approach’ at the centre of future environmental policy. It is also a Core Ambition in the Food & Drink Federations’s Ambition 2025: Shaping Sustainable Value Chain. BSi are developing a new British Standard for Natural Capital. Government policy, the National Planning Policy Framework 2019, clearly states that sustainable development follows the mitigation hierarchy and seeks opportunities to deliver Biodiversity Net Gain through new development. This will require all new planning applications to use the DEFRA standard metric for measuring biodiversity gains and losses (the DEFRA Bio Metric 2.0) and also to demonstrate how they will achieve Biodiversity Net Gain. This briefing is beneficial to Environmental and Sustainability professionals working in both public sector and private sector companies. To those involved in company investment and acquisitions and Environmental and Sustainable Governance. It will also be beneficial to those involved in future investments, developments and planning. Speakers: Bob Edmonds, Technical Director & Ecology Discipline Manager, SLR Consulting Ltd Stewart Lenton, European Operations Manager - Environmental Specialist Services, SLR Consulting Ltd Sue Swain, Head of Client Management and Industry Sector Lead - Europe at SLR Consulting This webinar is brought to you by the IEMA South West Group. *This event is recognised as 1 hour of IEMA CPD