In July 2023, Defra announced the ‘Main EPR Regulations’ have been deferred coming into force until 2025, resulting in the existing Producer Responsibility Regulations remaining in place through 2024. The delay has changed the landscape and subsequent reporting requirements since out last EPR clinic with Valpak. This means that the 2024 compliance year will be slightly different than planned. This webinar, will demystify the next few years of packaging compliance and EPR implementation, providing advice on how you can prepare your business. The key aims of this webinar include: Provide a full update on the deferral of some EPR elements and explain how packaging compliance will work in 2024 Explanation of actions producers can take to meet data submission requirements and the subsequent financial impacts of achieving compliance Explain how the EPR financial obligation of modulated fees will work & be calculated for producers, as well as exploring how producers can increase packaging recyclability to reduce their future EPR costs.