IEMA Welcomes New Report's Call for Reforms on Resource Management

IEMA has this morning voiced it support for the publication of a new report which urges the next UK Government to introduce business reforms on resource efficiency.

As the Aldersgate Group’s Resource Efficient Business Models: the roadmap to resilience and prosperity report was released today IEMA’s lead on Sustainable Resource Management Josh Fothergill said: “There is absolutely no doubt that resource efficiency measures will become crucial to every business in the future. Those organisations that are early adopters of sustainable resource management practices are really reaping the rewards. The next Government has an opportunity to take the lead and implement centralised mandatory schemes which will ensure that all UK businesses feel the benefit.”

IEMA - a Member of the Aldersgate Group - is quoted in the new report advocating the role of initiatives like mandatory GHG reporting in reducing energy use and achieving financial savings. IEMA’s quote states:

Working with environment and sustainability professionals we have established that GHG reporting is an effective and supportive driver for carbon reduction energy efficiency and associated financial savings. The benefits often arise over the medium term with annual disclosure helping businesses to share and to communicate narratives on their transition towards a low carbon future.

The calls made in the Aldersgate Group’s report reflect IEMA’s 2014 From Waste to Resources report which established that a radical shake-up of resource management is needed in order to maximise every business’s chance of achieving potential savings of £1 million.

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