ESOS Launch Energizes New Opportunities for IEMA Members

IEMA’s approval to operate assessment register opens up new opportunities for Members.

With the recent launch of the Environment Agency’s Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) Auditor Members of IEMA have just become eligible to become approved independent Assessors of the scheme.

IEMA is one of only eleven organisations - and one of only six professional bodies or associations - approved by DECC to operate an ESOS Lead Energy Assessor Register.

IEMA has been involved in the development of the ESOS scheme for over a year and now that the scheme has launched IEMA’s Full Members who also hold Environmental Auditor status and Principal Environmental Auditors who work in this area are eligible to join IEMA’s new ESOS Lead Energy Assessor Register. IEMA is now working with its Members with energy assessment experience to sign them up to the Register so they can begin delivering assessments to organisations throughout the UK.

IEMA’s Acting Head of Professional Standards Claire Kirk believes the launch of this scheme will open new doors for eligible members saying: “This will enable our Members to add a new string to their bow”.

We have worked the Environment Agency from the very early days of ESOS’s development to ensure our Members’ views were taken into account” said Kirk. “I’m delighted to see that this scheme has now launched and that IEMA is one of a select few organisations approved to run a Lead Energy Assessor Register. We’re already working with Members to enable them to successfully apply to the new register”.

To support the scheme’s Registration process IEMA is developing a training course which will ensure IEMA’s exacting professional standards continue to be met and enable an increased number of professionals to achieve a place on the Register.

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