Latest Practitioner Survey Closes with Impressive Responses
Click to find out about how many members contributed to the latest round of IEMA research.As part of our continuing dedication to monitoring and profiling the environmental profession we launched our annual Practitioner survey just before Christmas 2011.
On Wednesday 21st December 12149 eligible UK members � from Graduate level to Fellow - were invited to contribute their experiences of the profession. As this is an in-depth and comprehensive piece of research which has been carried out annually since 2005 we asked members to tell us about their qualifications length of professional experience earnings and bonuses changes to circumstances responsibilities and satisfaction levels.
The online survey closed on Monday 9th January with a total of 2324 responses � 19% of those eligible to participate and an almost identicle response rate to the 2011 survey.
IEMA would like to thank everyone who took the time to complete the questionnaire as your contributions are vital to helping IEMA to inform business recruiters and the media aboutthe value of environmental practitioners. The depth of detail offered in the responses has been remarkable and is sure to prove very useful in demonstrating the profile of the profession.
We have been very interested in some of the open answers given in response to the question What has been your most significant achievement while you have been in your current role?. We will be contacting some members of particular interest (through our survey system which maintains any anonymity) in the coming weeks as we would like to profile such achievements where possible.
See the IEMA News section of the January 'environmentalist' for very early analysis of the results before the full report is published in March.